I have been in business for 30 years and something someone said to me very early on in my business adventure was “Don’t worry about making money in business. If you know you have a product or service that is in demand, then concentrate on supplying a service and the money will follow”
I usually find when you worry about making money it does not happen. Your creative juices do not flow. What you do is put more pressure on yourself and you can’t think straight or positively.
If you just focus on supplying the best service you can and make sure you have plenty of “irons in the fire”, business will follow. I have been in business since 1987 and this thought process has never let me down. I am not saying it is easy or that business in a bed of roses, and there will always be highs and lows but with the right attitude and belief in your product or service and belief in yourself there will always be more highs.
I remember when I had been in business for just over a year and we booked an advertising campaign for a local bus company and then due to situations outside my control I could not honour the campaign, so I rang the client and asked if I could make an appointment to go and see him. At the appointment I explained the situation and offered to write him a cheque there and then with a full refund for the campaign. This was at a time – being so new in business – that I could ill afford to do this but it was the right thing to do. The client said to me that in all the years he had been in business no one had ever done this or been that honest with him. It was the right thing for me to do.
I am always on the side of my customers and if there are ever any issues with their advertising campaigns, I will always fight for them. Just recently, we booked a campaign for a client, and our supplier did not put their posters up and effectively they lost 9 days from a 14 day campaign. Our supplier offered us a 50% credit. No one did the maths and this just did not stack up, so I went back to my supplier saying that due to them not putting the posters on display, this massively affected my client’s campaign as they had booked other advertising to go along with the poster campaign.
I told my supplier that I wanted a complete refund of the campaign even though there were still 5 days exposure of the posters. I also told them I wanted a complete re-run of the campaign totally free of charge at a later date in the year. After a long drawn out battle we achieved this. I refunded the client the total cost of the campaign. We lost a decent amount of profit but without doubt, we won a few brownie points and I firmly believe my relationship with the client is stronger as a result of this.
Believe in your product or service, believe in yourself, make sure you have plenty of leads and always do the right thing.
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